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Mervin is committed to improving the accessibility of our websites and electronic communications. Working with a retained accessibility consultant, Mervin is striving for the highest level of accessibility for people with disabilities.

Over time we will be implementing relevant portions of the Section 508 Web Accessibility Standards developed by the United States Access Board, as well as the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1. With our consultant’s assistance, we will test our materials with assistive technology such as screen readers and screen magnifiers, and with users with disabilities who use these technologies. These processes will promote accessibility for everyone, regardless of disability or device used to access information on our websites and electronic communications.

Below are some of the steps we are or will be taking to ensure the accessibility of our online materials.

  • All images will contain appropriate alternative text
  • Form elements will be properly labeled
  • Data tables will contain headers where appropriate
  • Headings will be used throughout the site
  • Multimedia (video or audio clips) will be captioned and/or described
  • All areas of the website will be operable without the use of a mouse
  • Foreground/background color schemes will provide adequate contrast
  • Information will not be conveyed through the use of color alone
  • Links will be worded to make sense when read out of context
  • A method will be provided to bypass repetitive navigational links
  • Text will be resizable in all browsers

Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing; as a result there may be areas of our sites that are less accessible than others during a given period of time.